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The new  Spanish Technological Platform SENTIATECH, led by the industry and promoted by the State Investigation Agency,  promotes the cooperation, information exchange and networking in advances technologies for pollutants detection, occupational health and safety, air quality, and emerging risks, covering a wide range of sectors and industrial applications, including food safety, water treatment, chemicals, or cosmetics among others.

The platform is intended to be the meeting point to identify societal, industrial and research challenges, bringing together industry, academia, policy makers and consumers. The priority areas included in SENTIATECH are:

- Safe and sustainable by design chemicals and materials (SSbD): SENTIATECH promotes the implementation of SSbD criteria, an approach to support the design, development, production and use of chemicals and materials that focuses on providing a desirable function (or service), while avoiding or minimising harmful impacts to human health and the environment.
- Alternative solutions for monitoring environmental contaminants and food safety analysis.
- Alternative approaches for hazard assessment, including bioinformatic approaches (in silico methods).
- New monitoring technologies for real time chemical and biological detection and identification, including nanoparticles, micro(nano)plastics and pathogens. 

Additional information can be found in our website, https://sentiatech.com/

NANOBIO&MED: WG4 SENTIATECH: Technologies for Monitoring and Diagnosis.
Current and Future Challenges in Biosensor Technologies, Nanomedicine, and Diagnostics.
November 22 - From 2:30 to 4:30 pm
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